Combining counselling, Psychotherapy, medication and neuromodulation (unique to patient’s profile) under one roof.
Hundreds of trusted relationships and counting. Built on honesty, mutual trust and utmost regard for patient’s wellbeing.
Timely follow ups and compliance to medical and therapeutic intervention have successfully led many towards holistic recovery and they are leading disease-free meaningful lives. Hundreds of patients of anxiety disorders & depression have successfully achieved clinical remission and recovery and are able to live disease free life without regular medication


Psychological Test
Psychological tests are standardized measures to assess behaviour and brain function.

Mental illness screening and diagnosis
To be healthy as a whole Mental Wellness plays a very big role.

CBT, Supportive Psycho, Exposure Response Prevention for OCD, Dialectic Behaviour.

Counselling or treatment through talk therapy is a process through which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health professional in a safe, caring and confidential environment.

Psycho Education
Therapeutic session for patients and their loved ones to learn about condition and symptoms. Include gaining knowledge and support to better understand and cope with illness.

Neuromodulation Therapy
Neuropsychiatric conditions is a non-invasive, painless and safe technique used as a potential treatment for neurological disorders .Involves the emission of a weak.

Procrastination: Evil Twin of Success
Despite being a ‘’Psychologist’’ i.e. a professional concerned with observing human behavior & modifying its sinful fallacies…I am a serious procrastinator with an amazing ability…
Smart Or Overburdened
I often counsel parents telling them intellect, talent and potential are inborn qualities but, the amount of exposure and independence that a child gets; aid…
Bitter People
There’s no single “name” for them, you call them pakau(sad people), chipku (sticky people), pissu, (suckers) who will suck out happiness and life out of…
Concerns, when translate to clinically diagnosable disorder & illness, your doctor may advise you to take medications for a certain duration.
Depending upon a patient’s diagnoses, treatment duration shall vary. For example, a patient of simple anxiety may get well & off medications within a few months. Whereas a more serious diagnosis requiring intensive medical treatment like Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Seizure disorder etc. may require a number of years of continued treatment.
Usually, it takes 15-21 days for the beneficial effects of medications to manifest their beneficial effects. It varies from person to person. In our clinical practice, many a times we have seen beneficial effects of medications occurring in as little as 7 to 10 days also.
Any medication prescribed in modern medicine (aka Allopathy) tends to have certain common side effects like nausea, vomiting, loose stools which are often self-limiting. These side effects can happen also with psychiatric medications (known as psychotropic drugs) There are certain medications (known as antipsychotics) used in treatment of serious mental illnesses like Schizophrenia which may cause side effects like trembling hands, drooling saliva, excessive sleepiness and/or dizziness. Hence, these medications must be taken under supervision of Psychiatrist & if these side effects do occur, they can be rapidly corrected by your treating doctor.
Usually, first symptom to improve with medication is sleep quality, appetite & energy. Whereas mood, anxiety symptoms may take slightly longer to respond (up to 21 days). So, a patient on medicine treatment will notice improvement in appetite, sleep quality & overall energy level throughout the day as some of the first signs of improvement
All chronic medical illnesses need long term treatment for lasting improvement & recovery. Hence, abruptly stopping medicines shall lead to gradual reappearance of all the symptoms of illness. Sometimes within few days, at other times, it may take a few weeks into relapse into illness. Abruptly stopping treatment may also lead to treatment resistance. That is, the illness no longer responding to earlier effective doses of medications & requiring more intensive treatment modalities to achieve improvement
Gift your loved ones, the gift of care show your care by gifting them E- Counselling session.