
I hope you are in good spirits and have tried some of the tricks to shoo away your worries that I shared in my last blog. We have discussed fixing a worrying time, trying not to command situations that are beyond control, and identifying any false alarms. As promised I am back to tell you some more crazy and workable ideas to handle your worries.

Tip 4 # Repeat your worry

Have you experienced putting your hand in warm water and the warm sensation vanishes after a while? But if you put another hand inside the same water you still feel it warm. So does it mean there is neural system fatigue? Consider confronting your irrational fears. At first, you would be very anxious, then less so and eventually it would have no effect if you are exposed regularly to it. So, try it out on your worries. Catch hold of that worry in your thoughts that’s nagging you (JUST ONE THOUGHT), repeat it like a tape recorder in your head for the next 10 min. It shall be hard to keep your mind focused on your worry if we repeat the same thought over and over. Trust me however threatening or weird your thought is you will get bored of it, and that sure beats being overwhelmed by anxiety created by worry.

Tip 5 # Breathe & Slump a little

Physiological change is obvious and is discarded often by all of us. When you worry, you feel tensed and so does your body, some clench their fist, some hold their breath. So, slump a little focus on your breathing, where is your breath now and where is your mind wandering. Try to bring them together, feel the rising and falling of the chest, hear your breath as it comes out your nose. Your mind might wander somewhere else. Call it back and focus on your breathing as you inhale and exhale. Feel it a moment to moment and you will notice you are “not worrying” for this little duration.

Tip 6 #  Carry a coping card in your pocket or in your mind

When we worry everything seems like an emergency. Your thoughts will start racing, you won’t be able to enjoy even if you want to because you are worrying. Do you realize this is temporary and just anxious arousal? Every episode of anxiety comes to an end and concerns evaporate after a while. Ask yourself is this going to last forever, will you even remember this problem after the next few days. Tell yourself  “You have handled this before. This is going to pass like it always does. ”


When you worry, you try to run away from it, thinking something worse will happen. You try to hide, you try to avoid certain things, thinking it’s better to stay safe rather than embarrassing yourself. What everyone will think about you? They will laugh at you. Try faking it some time, forex. this thought haunts you, “WHAT IF I GO BLANK DURING MY PRESENTATION?”. So, next time when you are fully prepared for a presentation ..go quite intentionally in the middle of the presentation, wait for a few seconds or minutes, and then continue again. I tried it many times, no one even notices, and those who are really paying attention will look at you with anticipation. That’s it. It’s that simple.

Try doing these. HAVE FUN !!

To be continued…

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