Alcohol Dependence

In small amounts, alcohol can relax you for a few hours. With larger amounts, it can make you feel worse.The desire to have this short-lived feeling then does not work, particularly if your body has developed tolerance to alcohol and you drink more to feel the same effects.

The problem is that it is easy to slip into drinking regularly, using it like a medicine. The benefits soon wear off and the drinking becomes part of a routine.

You also start to notice that:

· Instead of choosing to have a drink, you feel the urge to have one

· You wake up with shaky hands and a feeling of nervousness

· you start to drink earlier and earlier in the day

· Your work starts to suffer

· Your drinking starts to affect your relationships

· You carry on drinking despite the problems it causes

· You start to ‘binge drink’ regularly

· You start to neglect other parts of your life

Long-term effects

Alcohol can lead to:

· Psychosis – hearing voices when there is nobody there

· Memory problems either on their own (Korsakoff’s Syndrome or also affecting other areas of the brain (alcohol related dementia)-rather like but not the same as Alzheimer’s dementia10

· Physical – damage organs, such as the liver or brain



Team Profile

Preeti Sadhu Pendharkar

Mental Health Professional

Dr Shreyas S Pendharkar



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