Bipolar Disorder

Previously known as ‘manic depressive illness’ it involves severe mood swings. These usually last several days, weeks or months and are far beyond the emotional ups and downs that most of us experience. They can be:

Low or ‘depressive’

You feel intensely low, depressed and even despairing.

High or ‘manic’

You feel extremely happy, elated, and become very overactive. You may develop very grandiose, delusional ideas about yourself and your abilities.


Your mood is high, but not so extreme as in mania


You have a mixture of mania and depression – for example, you feel very depressed, but also have the restlessness and overactivity of mania.


Link Depression, sleep difficulty, anxiety


Team Profile

Preeti Sadhu Pendharkar

Mental Health Professional

Dr Shreyas S Pendharkar



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