ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
It is a pattern of behaviours which usually appear in childhood. Parents and teachers notice that a child is:
- Unusually over-active.
- Distracted, cannot stick to anything for any length of time.
- Impulsive, do things on the spur of the moment or without thinking.
- Unable to concentrate for any length of time.
Many of us might have one of these problems, but we do not have all of them. To have a diagnosis of ADHD, these problems must be bad enough to interfere with How you get on with other people – or How you get on at work or school.
Team Profile
Preeti Sadhu Pendharkar
Mental Health Professional
Dr Shreyas S Pendharkar
Procrastination: Evil Twin of Success
Despite being a ‘’Psychologist’’ i.e. a professional concerned with observing human behavior & modifying its sinful fallacies…I am a serious procrastinator with an amazing ability…
Smart Or Overburdened
I often counsel parents telling them intellect, talent and potential are inborn qualities but, the amount of exposure and independence that a child gets; aid…
Bitter People
There’s no single “name” for them, you call them pakau(sad people), chipku (sticky people), pissu, (suckers) who will suck out happiness and life out of…